Melissa Blue
Melissa Blue
Mountain Green Veined White
Mountain Green Veined White
Milbert's Tortiseshell
Milbert's Tortiseshell
Callippe Fritillary
Callippe Fritillary
Orange Sulphur
Orange Sulphur
Phoebus Parnassian
Phoebus Parnassian
Aphrodite Fritillary
Aphrodite Fritillary
Greenish Blue
Greenish Blue
Rocky Mountain Dustywing
Rocky Mountain Dustywing
Common Branded Skipper
Common Branded Skipper
Western White
Western White
Alpine Green Hairstreak
Alpine Green Hairstreak
Gorgone Crescentspot
Gorgone Crescentspot
Acmon Blue
Acmon Blue
Northern Checkerspot
Northern Checkerspot
Field Crescentspot and Northern Checkerspotpot
Field Crescentspot and Northern Checkerspotpot
Field Crescentspot
Field Crescentspot
Northern Checkerspot
Northern Checkerspot
Queen Alexandra's Sulphur
Queen Alexandra's Sulphur
Anise Swallowtail
Anise Swallowtail
Dreamy Duskywing
Dreamy Duskywing
Acmon Blue
Acmon Blue
Edith's Checkerspot
Edith's Checkerspot
Zephyr Anglewing
Zephyr Anglewing
Zephyr Anglewing
Zephyr Anglewing
Bronze Copper
Bronze Copper
Grey Comma
Grey Comma
Grey Comma
Grey Comma
Dorcas Copper
Dorcas Copper
Purplish Copper
Purplish Copper
Mormon Fritillary
Mormon Fritillary
Chrysus Arctic
Chrysus Arctic
Ocher Ringlet
Ocher Ringlet
Variegated Fritillary
Variegated Fritillary
Common Ringlet
Common Ringlet
Rocky Mountain Parnassian
Rocky Mountain Parnassian
Pale Swallowtaikl
Pale Swallowtaikl
Melissa Arctic
Melissa Arctic
Silvery Blue
Silvery Blue
Silvery Blue
Silvery Blue
Hoary Elfin
Hoary Elfin
Mourning Cloak
Mourning Cloak
Northern Azure
Northern Azure
Western Pine Elfin
Western Pine Elfin
Brown Elfin
Brown Elfin
Field Crescent
Field Crescent
Thicket Hairstreak
Thicket Hairstreak
Hoary Comma
Hoary Comma
Sheridan Hairstreak
Sheridan Hairstreak
Painted Lady
Painted Lady
Satyr Comma
Satyr Comma
Red Admiral
Red Admiral
Queen Alexandra's Sulphur
Queen Alexandra's Sulphur
Common Sootywing
Common Sootywing
Two-tailed Swallowtail
Two-tailed Swallowtail
Weidemeyer's Admiral
Weidemeyer's Admiral
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